The Dictionary of Internet Cat Speak

Squarepegs Handyman Internet Cat Speak

Hey kitteh purr-ents! We know you’re hecking busy booping floofs, tickling feetsies and poking toe beans, but if you could paw-sibly tear yourself away from your adorbs, smol floof for just a moment, we’re about to drop some serious knowledge on you.

…and, if you’re not sure what we just said, this article is definitely for you.


Language has always evolved and changed over time, but with the advent of the internet and texting, the natural ebbs and flows of the English language seem to have accelerated, morphing the spelling and grammatical rules we all learned in grade school, into something else entirely.

Have you found yourself recently scrolling through cat Reels on Facebook and Instagram, only to find yourself confused by the lingo used in what would otherwise be a comedic video? Well, fear not! We’ve got your back.

We’ve compiled 10 of the most common cat-slang terms on the internet and have defined them here for you!


In internet cat-speak, ‘smol’ refers to a kitty who is especially cute, and purr-ticularly small. 

A new and fluffy kitten, would be an example of smol!


This one is pretty easy, but just to clarify, ‘feetsies” are internet cat-speak for cat feet.


A ‘loaf’, or ‘cat loaf’, is when a kitty has all of their beautiful paws, or feetsies, tucked up under themselves, giving them the appearance of the most adorable loaf of bread.


Cat taps are a special way our kitties seek to get our attention. They occur when our favourite feline repeatedly, and very gently taps an object.


Undoubtedly, we’ve all heard someone say ‘boop the floof’! Have you been wondering what the shouters of this enigmatic phrase are instructing you to do?

Booping is when a human gently taps their kitties snoot (defined as nose, or meowzzle).


Perhaps the least straightforward of all internet cat slang, mleming occurs when yous kitty licks…basically anything.


Have you ever come across your cat napping, and you notice the tip of their little sandpaper tongue is poking out of their mouth? This paw-sitively adorable moment is a ‘blep’.


One of the most adorable parts of your cats anatomy is their adorable little front teeth. You know the ones we are talking about, the little row of tiny teeth between their upper and lower canines.

These adorable little teeth are “teefies”.


It goes without saying that anyone who has ever seen the bottom of a kitty’s feet has an insatiable cat foot fetish, and toe beans are the reason why!

Toe beans refer to a cat’s jellybean-shaped toes.


What is a floof? A floof is a cat!

And now you know!

Did we miss any more adorable internet cat speak? Let us know in the comments, and if you’re looking for more heckin cute content? Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Ready to go deeper with cat culture than cat memes on the internet? We recommend a custom outdoor cat enclosure, or Catio as we like to call them, for your fabulous feline.

Contact us here to learn more and to organise your free quote.


You’ll find Squarepegs Handyman in and around Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, the Hunter and beyond. Contact us to find out if we service your area. 

We cannot wait to work with you!

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